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The Ella Enchanted flower arrangement features two stunning hot pink roses, delicate pink miniature roses, soft lavender cushion poms, and natural palm leaves, all designed in a cylinder vase banded with a gold tone ribbon.


The hot pink roses are known for their vibrant and bold color, symbolizing love, gratitude, and appreciation. They are large blooms with a classic and elegant shape, making them a popular choice for romantic occasions.


Pink miniature roses, also known as spray roses, are a smaller version of traditional roses and have a more delicate and dainty appearance. They are perfect for adding a touch of charm and elegance to any arrangment.


The lavender cushion poms are small fluffy balls of flowers, known for their soft and delicate appearance. They come in a variety of pastel shades and are popular for their gentle fragrance. They add a touch of softness and elegance to the arrangement.


Palm leaves are known for their long and slender shape and add a touch of natural beauty to the bouquet. They are known to symbolize victory and success.


All these flowers together in an arrangement make it a perfect combination of enchantment, natural beauty and of course love. The gold tone ribbon band on the cylinder vase elevates the overall look of the bouquet and gives it a royal and luxurious feel.


Order yours today and enjoy a touch of enchantment!


Overall design approximately 19” tall and 17” wide.

The Ella Enchanted

  • The inspiration for the novel "Ella Enchanted" came from the classic fairy tale "Cinderella," which Gail Carlson Levine loved as a child. Yet, Levine was disappointed by Cinderella's passive, submissive character.  Levine wanted to create a stronger and more independent heroine. Levine's Ella is a feisty and determined young girl who refuses to be a victim and is determined to find her own voice.

    That's our type of woman - strong and determined.

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